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Thomas Zabadal | Michigan State Research Center, Benton Harbor, Michigan

“I was particularly interested in the fact that there was minimal damage on the non-harvested buffer blueberry bushes, even though berries remained on these bushes until they dropped naturally.”
Eric Hanson | Michigan State Research Center in Benton Harbor, Michigan

“Bird Gard’s performance was very impressive and we are pleased with the results. It does a good job of scaring birds in our vineyards and it also does a good job of attracting predators. During the growing season a Red Tailed Hawk lived near the vineyard. More than once I saw the hawk actively looking for distressed birds when the distress call sounded,”
Tim Johnson | Research Specialist, Cornell University in Geneva, New York

“Our technician was finding 10-20% damaged fruit (peaches) each harvest. Soon after we installed Bird Gard, our percentage of bird damaged fruit dropped substantially to 2-3%.”
Monte L. Nesbitt | Horticulturist, Auburn University in Alabama

“The trials with Bird Gard in sweet cherries were very successful. The orchard manager indicated he harvested the largest crop he can remember. Typically that block had suffered 40%-50% crop loss each season.”
Dr. Paul Curtis | IPM Wildlife Specialist, Cornell University in Ithaca, New York

“After 14 years of bird damage, this year I harvested an additional 6-8 tons of blueberries on five acres thanks to the Bird Gard.”
Walker Miller | Professor, Clemson University in Clemson, SC

“The bio-acoustic [Bird Gard] products were completely effective at keeping birds out of pecan groves when used consistently. Grower #1 estimates his losses to bird damage were in excess of $300 per acre last year and zero this year in the block protected by the Bird Gard unit. Grower #2 reported comparable results. Based on the results of this study we can conclude the Bird Gard bio-acoustic bird repellent products are an effective and economical means to eliminate bird damage to pecan growing operations. Efficacy in eliminating bird damage with other crops should be expected.”
Bob Call | University of Arizona, Cooperative Extension in Cochise County, AZ

“From the start of bird control with distress calls with Bird Gard, crows virtually abandoned 2 almond orchards in Yolo County and remained away from 3 other almond orchards in Sutter County. Damage decreased at all sites compared. Almond losses ranged from $22/acre to $138/acre compared to $46/acre to $1,015/acre the previous year. The decrease in damage represented significant dollar savings of $998, $3,642, and $5,914 for the three individual orchards.”
Dr. Paul Gorenzel | Horticulturist, University of California in Davis, California

“Our program has been doing berry crop research at Oregon State University’s North Willamette Research and Extension Center since 1992. We have over 12 acres of berry trials. Individual experiments range in size from 1/3 to 1 acre. It’s very important for us to pick all the fruit produced, allowing for accurate measurements of treatment effects on yield. Bird control is thus very important. We have been using Bird Gard electronic bird control products for over ten years and have been very pleased with how we can successfully prevent bird depredation and how the company has worked with us to target specific species. Bird Gard is now the only electronic bird control product we use in our research trials!“
Dr. Bernadine Stik | Professor and Berry Research Leader, Oregon State University

“We have approximately 30 acres of Chambourcin and Chancellor red varieties in production. Last year’s yield was down 50% (due to bird damage). This year the harvest was virtually left undamaged due to Bird Gard. The neighboring vineyard also noticed there were no birds on his property when Bird Gard was in use, attesting to the effectiveness of your device. I am very pleased with Bird Gard and would not hesitate to recommend it to other grape growers.”
Dr Gary Pavlis | Rutgers University, Cooperative Extension

“We just spent about $10,000 to replace redwood boards that were incredibly full of woodpecker holes. With your device, we felt comfortable going ahead with the project. We had tried everything else, including bird-repellant sprays and stringing ugly CDs from the gutters, but nothing else worked. Thanks for your help, and you’ve got a great device.”
Loren Archer | Homeowner in Portola Valley, California
“I have been using Bird Gard for more than 2-years to keep seagulls off my boat and mooring field. This device has literally saved me 2-4 hours per week in scrubbing not to mention permanent damage caused by bird droppings. I just damaged the power cord. I am desperate to have the unit back in service ASAP. Please ship a new one to me overnight. Thank you.”
Howard Weitzman | Healthcare Capital Resources, Inc., New York
“We use your Bird Gard units to protect our feedlots and have referred several people to you because they hear them and notice we do not have any birds! Thanks for the great product. IT WORKS!!!!! We really like that we are not putting out poison to kill birds, but deter them and keep our animals safe. Thanks from all of us at Bruning Farms LLC”
Jenni Bruning | Bruning Farms, Bruning, NE
“First of all, let me say how absolutely AMAZED I am by Bird Gard! I have a vineyard in western Colorado, and had I known how well this unit works I probably wouldn’t have bothered to purchase bird netting! It’s THAT good! I’ve had this product for five seasons now, and continue to be impressed by its effectiveness. There can be a string of starlings on a nearby power line and when I turn this unit on they all take off and don’t return! What’s really amazing is that I use the Bird Gard for approximately 6 weeks each season (from shortly after veraison begins right up until the day of harvest) and it remains effective during the entire time period! Unbelievable!”
Richard Nunamaker | Grand Mesa Vineyards, Delta, CO
“I wanted to drop you a message to let you know that we are really satisfied with the Bird Gard Pro. We ordered it to get rid of woodpeckers, and since we installed it, we do not have woodpeckers anymore. Your kindness and thorough knowledge of the unit was a pleasant surprise (in these days of getting no service), and your customer service was excellent. Thank you.”
Phil Franklyn | Rubber Manufacturer in Atlanta, Georgia
“We had problems with birds getting into our distribution center though the open loading docks. Once we installed Bird Gard units around the outside of the building the birds disappeared completely!”
Dora Gotobed | Associated Wholesale Grocers in Kansas City, MO
“In the Summer of 2007, the first Bird Gard Super Pro Amp repelling device was set up at the Szczecin-Goleniow Airport. Since the moment of it’s activation the device has been working properly. From our observations done on a regular basis a conclusion can be drawn that the airport area where the repelling device is working is practically free from birds. The repelling set does not require any special servicing. We are purchasing more units to provide 100% coverage of the runway area at the airport.”
Robert Romanowicz | Port Lotniczy Szczecin-Goleniow, Szczecin-Goleniow Airport
“In 2004, The International Airport Sheremetyevo has brought in “Bird Gard” for scaring away of birds from airdrome, for the purpose of ornithological safety of flights. For this period the specified installations have shown good efficiency and reliability in operation. Usage of this installations “Bird Gard” in a complex with other means of scaring away of birds has essentially improved safety of flights in the ornithological relation at the Sheremetyevo airport.”
S.P. Evarovsky | International Airport Sheremetyevo, Sheremetyevo, Russia
“I am glad to inform you that the (Bird Gard Super Pro Amp) system proved effective. The effectiveness results in lower number of air incidents of bird-plane collisions while take-off and landing. As a result of the effectiveness three more units were ordered by Warsaw Airport on the taxi field of the Airport. The system itself is simple to operate and can be adjusted to the current situation at the airport. The system does not interfere with any high-tech devices used at the airport, including very sophisticated ones.”
Sylwester Kubik | Polish Airports State Enterprise, Warsaw, Poland
“The Bird Gard Super Pro Amp tested at the International Airport In Katowice, fulfilled 100% of our expectations. At the test site within the radius of 250 meters all birds were gone and the state continued through the test. Due to the successful results of the device application, the airport management made a decision of purchasing three Bird Gard Super Pro Amps.”
Pawel Wojda | Katowice International Airport, Katowice, Poland