Pigeons rely heavily on humans for food and nesting sites. Found in a variety of places - from city buildings to grain elevators - pigeons often seek man-made structures. Although pigeons are primarily grain and seed eaters, they will readily feed on garbage, livestock manure, spilled grains, insects and any other available scraps of food.
Pigeon droppings can cause serious health problems. Most droppings contain harmful pathogens including E.coli, Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis and Salmonella. In addition, bird droppings are highly corrosive and create slipping hazards.
Because pigeons live in close contact with humans they are especially difficult to repel. Pigeons have an extremely strong homing instinct so nest removal is often essential to getting rid of them. It can take six to eight weeks of determined effort to remove pigeons from a targeted area. With Bird Gard’s highly effective bioacoustic bird control system, you can start protecting your property today.
Bird Gard has been in the business of partnering with farmers, businesses, and organizations to protect their crops and property for over 30 years.

From our customers...
"We have 8,000 s.f. of docks around Lake Lloyd inside the Daytona International Speedway. The seagull problem was unbelievable. Bird Gard solved the problem. Pigeons were a problem at the speedway administration building courtyard. Bird Gard solved the problem. Down the Hatch seafood restaurant in Ponce Inlet, FL has about 1,000 feet of concrete floating docks. They were power washing every day because of seagulls. Bird Gard solved the problem.
Gary Pearson | Owner - Daytona International Speedway
Electronic Bird Control
Bird Gard harnesses the power of the natural survival instincts in birds to effectively repel them. Digital recordings of species-specific distress and alarm calls, along with the sounds made by their natural predators, are broadcast through high fidelity, weather-resistant speakers. These trigger a primal fear-and-flee response. Pest birds soon relocate to where they can feed without feeling threatened.
Birds stay out… for good!
Our bird repellers continually randomize the order in which the sounds play, the time interval between the calls and the relative pitch of each bird sound. This creates the impression that there are many birds in distress in the protected area. This multi-layered randomization prevents birds from becoming habituated to the sounds. Bird Gard can protect your property year after year.
Customized Proposals
To ensure that you get the most effective and efficient bird control, our team will create a free customized proposal using satellite imagery, showing the precise location to install your equipment. This creates an incredibly helpful blueprint, displaying the most optimal way to repel unwanted birds from your property.

Which Bird Gard Do You Need?
Bird Gard has a variety of products to repel birds, whether that means protecting one acre or thousands. Choosing the right equipment depends on a number of factors, including the dimensions of the field, the terrain, surrounding trees and any nearby neighbors. You can give us a call right now to talk to one of our team members or reach us through the link below.